
Laatste nieuws 2024

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2024-07-12  The last weeks we were very busy with  cutting gras, cutting trees, fixing lights,
cleaning the pool bottom (took already one week) ,painting and other maintanance.
Now we are sailing again every wednesday.  Fun sail , training, and race training.

Very good sailing in Moita,
No good results after three times stuk with weed, one time hanging on a buoy
 one time missing the finish line.
And missing last three races because we had to go back to the Algarve
But is was a lot of fun.

28-02-2024 our last competition race from the winter. We all were close together, but there is only one winner

total result after 5 race days

Today we had the first sail of the the sold two boats to our Belgium camper friends  BEL 07 and BEL 04.  We wish them good sial and fair winds.

Our last race on 28-02 will be excited to see who will be the overall winner.

14-2-24 Winter comp race 4 with 10 sailors

13-01-2024  Remote Sailing is for everybody.  This is our oldest sailor 80 years old.
He is coming nearly every monday for sailing with us. He has his own boat.

3-1-2024  Our first Winter race with good wind and little rain.

26-11-2023   on 29 november we will have our last winter competition.
here the results  Thanks to all the sailors

Our New year competition will start in january 2024.with 5 races.
Dates  03-01,  17-01,  31-01,  13-02,  28-02 

21-11-2023 Sailing on appointment with new sailors for the second time.

17-11-2023 And an other funsailing day with other new sailors.

16-11-2023 Fun sailing with new sailors staying here with there camper.
Nice to find that they all enjoyed it.

15-11-2023  Competiton race no 4 , this time the sailors where present.

9-11-2023 Already our third winter competition, great atmosphere ,
little wind so difficult to sail but also good training.

25-10-2023  our second Winter Competition race. Not all sailors were present.

18-10-2023  Fun sailing with International sailors. The Netherland won it all.
Results here.

11-10-2023  Winter Comp race 1  Winner no 70 Alfred.

1-09-2023  DE nieuwe data voor de winter competitie zijn nu bekend

16-08-2023  Also real travelers come to our place. Great familie who were in Z Afrika and Z Amerika.

15-08-2023  With our new and wider entrance we now can have bigger campers up to 8 meter

01-02-2023  We had an accident . Now after 1  and half year we found some people who has time to repair it.

23-04-2023  Nice Sunday fun sailing with two new skippers.

13-4-2023 A nice afternoon with Chris and Jaqui and friends.

All beginners did a great job and all enjoyed very much.
After that we had a great lunch.

6-4-2023  The last race was last sunday from our Spring competition.
Total results here.   Hans V. was the overall winner, Sissi second and Paul third.

 22-03-2023  Spring 
 Competition race 5. We had good wind so we made 16 races.
This time Alfred was the best of the day.  No time for pictures.
total results here

08-03-2023  Spring competuition race 4. Not all our competitors where there.
We had good wind and lots of fun.

24-02-2023  Our third race from our Spring competition.

Sadly Alfred was not there, because in the morning his motorbike stopped working
some where in the desert, so he had to organise something to get the bike back home.
results here.

08-02-2023 Our competition races of today are cancelled due to bad weather.
This race will be held later in march. 

Here are the new dates from our Competitions.
Just come over and join us.
Choose for Sunday (our Fun sailing for Beginners) or
Wednesday (Competition for A sailors)

20-12-2022  De uitslag van onze Winter Competitie is bekend. Hans en Sissi zijn disqualifed.
De winners zijn, 1- Hans V, 2 - Alfred, 3 - Paul.   Gefeliciteerd. Ook no 1 - Nathalie onze jury.

30-11-2022 Our Winter comp race 5 from 6.
Only 5 races because of the rain started. Winner This time our Dirk (55)

27-11-2022  Praia Cinco Reis.  Sailing with DF95 Our second race near beja.
Ruben (no 8 ) was the great winner after his alcohol level dropped and had a coffe.
results :  here 

16-11-2022  Winter Competition  race 4
We had to stop because there was rain,
just a shower so we could sail an other 2 races to make it 12 races

Winter Competition Race 3, with new guest sailors.

2022-10-28 next month we will sail again in Praia Cinco Reis.

On 11 and 18 -10-2022 we had a visit from the AFPOP organisation with
in total 32 people to enjoy the RC sailing. Even heavy rain could not stop them.

28-09-2022 we will sail with DF95 on 8 -10 at the Navy base near Lisbon.

28-09-2022  Last sunday we had a great event near Beja.
Sailing with DF95 and DF65  Results on page Competitie uitslagen.

7-9-2022  We found a great location near Beja.

28-08-2022  We had a great summer competition with 16 races and lunch.
results under competitie uitslagen.

20-08-2022  A new DF65 diliverd to Ovan (Avairo). It will sail under no 42.

26-2022  On Saturday 2th and Sunday 3th of July we will have free open day at our place.
Free sailing and some instruction. Just for promoting the RC sailing. Free to come in.

2022-06-05  Casa Barco à Vela will work together with Artur's Sailing academy to come to RC sailing events in Quinta do Lago in the Algarve.
Our first trail races will be on 11-06-2022 start 11 p.m.
Primairy we will sail with DF95 and DF65.

2022-05-17 yes we where there on both days. in total with 9 boats. Saturday with the IOM and sunday with DF65
later (to late for us) they sailed the DF95. Sunday morning we had rain, but later good weather.




2022-05-12   WE will be here this weekend , with a lot of our boats.

2022-05-06  De oude IOM maar weer eens afgestoft en alle lijnen vervangen, radio geinstalleerd en maar even getrimmed. Nu nog een race zoeken met IOM een beetje in de buurt.

2022-03-16 De laatste race is gezeild en we hebben een winnaar.
Ik ben trots op haar.  Hier de volledige uitslagen.

2022-03-09  Met nog maar een race te gaan lijkt Sissi de winnaar

2022-03-01  Het wordt spannend, Vandaag ging de victory naar Paul. Winnaar van de dag.
totaal stand na 4 race dagen.

2022-02-23  De uitsalg van de 3e race dag. Helaas was Nathalie niet aanwezig , dus geen tijd voor video's en foto's

2022-02-18  Hier dan het voorlopige resultaat na 2 wedstrijddagen.
Zie competitie uitslagen  voor de dag resultaaten.



9-2-2022  Deze week hebben we onze 2 caravans verkocht. Ze worden volgende week beide opgehaald.
Vandaag start ook onze voorjaars competitie. Vandaag met 4 boten. volgendeweek en daarna met 5
Nathalie is de jury tafel en Hans is de jury.

13-1    Onze  voorjaars competitie gaat van start op 9 Februari 2022
          reserveer de volgende data  9/2  16/2  23/2  2/3  9/3  16/3 

          6 race days       3 prices